Dr. Hilla Limann Foundation
We know that our father was often comforted that his sacrifices for this nation would ultimately be for prosperity not just for his time but more so for the new order of the present and future generations that he has left behind. We would like to take advantage of this forum to kindly ask you to join our family in making this a reality by pledging towards this Foundation. Should you be so inclined to do, the usher will hand over a pledge card which we shall follow up on.
As the children of Dr. Hilla Limann, we have no qualms starting humbly as personified by his life and buttressed in the good book, the bible, which admonishes us not to despise humble beginnings. Like every seed that has been planted on fertile soil, we are confident that this too shall grow. With the little funding received thus far, the Hilla Limann Foundation will initially focus on ad hoc support to educational institutions that have been named after our father, Dr. Hilla Limann, subject to funding received.
As it gains momentum, the Foundation will venture into other charitable endeavours such as supporting the education of vulnerable children through scholarships, as well as run periodic programmes such as workshops, symposia, seminars etc for Ghanaians from all walks of life particularly the youth so that they can be inspired by our father’s sublime yet significant life and legacy.
We shall continue to dream big like our father did and by the grace of God hope someday that the trajectory of this Foundation will not change per se but translate into other tangible areas important to him such as agriculture, health and other developmental areas that serve to promote self-sufficiency as aforementioned.
Bank Details
Name: Hilla Limann Foundation
Bank: Fidelity Bank, Tesano
Account #: 1050 3943 76712
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